Correspondence Problem

Feature Correspondence

Overview of Feature Correspondence

  • Features

    • Corners: Harris corner, GFTT (Shi-Tomasi corner), SIFT, SURF, FAST, LIFT, …
    • Edges, line segments, regions, …
  • Feature Descriptors and Matching

    • Patch: Raw intensity

      • Measures: SSD (sum of squared difference), ZNCC (zero normalized cross correlation), …
    • Floating-point descriptors: SIFT, SURF, (DAISY), LIFT, … (e.g. A 128-dim. vector (a histogram of gradients))

      • Measures: Euclidean distance, cosine distance, (the ratio of first and second bests)
      • Matching: Brute-force matching (O(N2)O(N^2)), ANN (approximated nearest neighborhood) search (O(logN)O(\log{N}))
      • Pros (+): High discrimination power
      • Cons (–): Heavy computation
    • Binary descriptors: BRIEF, ORB, (BRISK), (FREAK), … (e.g. A 128-bit string (a series of intensity comparison))

      • Measures: Hamming distance
      • Matching: Brute-force matching (O(N2)O(N^2))
      • Pros (+): Less storage and faster extraction/matching
      • Cons (–): Less performance
  • Feature Tracking (a.k.a. Optical Flow)

    • Optical flow: (Horn-Schunck method), Lukas-Kanade method

      • Measures: SSD (sum of squared difference)
      • Tracking: Finding displacement of a similar patch
      • Pros (+): No descriptor and matching (faster and compact)
      • Cons (–): Not working in wide baseline
Features (Click for more information)

Harris Corner (1988)

  • Key idea: Sliding window


  • Properties

    • 불변성

      • tranaltion
      • rotation
      • intensity shift (III+bI+b)


    • 가변성

      • image scaling


SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform; 1999)

  • Key idea: Scale-space (~ image pyramid)
  • Part #1) Feature point detection

    1. DOG scale-space에서 local extrema (minima and maxima) 찾기


    2. sub-pixel level에서 3D quadratic function를 사용해 위치를 정확하게 로컬화
    3. 낮은 대비(low contrast)를 갖는 후보군 제거, D(x)<τ|D(\mathbf{x})|<\tau
    4. edges위에 있는 후보군 제거, trace(H)2det(H)<(r+1)2r where H=[DxxDxyDxyDyy]\frac{\operatorname{trace}(H)^2}{\operatorname{det}(H)}<\frac{(r+1)^2}{r} \text { where } H=\left[\begin{array}{ll}D_{x x} & D_{x y} \\D_{x y} & D_{y y}\end{array}\right]


FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test; 2006)

  • Key idea: NN개 또는 그 이상 픽셀들의 연속적인 호(arc)


    • 이번 patch는 corner인가?

      • segment가 p+tp+t보다 밝은가?
      • segment가 ptp-t보다 어두운가?
      • tt: 유사한 intensity 판별의 threshold
    • corner가 너무 많기 때문에 NMS(Non-Maximum Suppression) 필요

      • NMS: high confidence를 갖는 것만 남기고 나머지는 제거
  • Versions

    • FAST-9 (NN: 9), FAST-12 (NN: 12), …
    • FAST-ER

      • 더 많은 픽셀로 반복성을 향상 시키기 위해 decision tree를 training

LIFT (Learned Invariant Feature Transform; 2016)

  • Key idea: Deep neural network

    • DET (feature detector) + ORI (orientation estimator) + DESC (feature descriptor)


Feature Descriptors and Matching (Click for more information)

SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform; 1999)

  • Part #2) Orientation assignment


    1. 각 patch gradient의 magnitude와 orientation 유도

      m(x,y)=(L(x+1,y)L(x1,y))2+(L(x,y+1)L(x,y1))2θ(x,y)=tan1L(x,y+1)L(x,y1)L(x+1,y)L(x1,y)\begin{aligned}&m(x, y)=\sqrt{(L(x+1, y)-L(x-1, y))^2+(L(x, y+1)-L(x, y-1))^2} \\&\theta(x, y)=\tan ^{-1} \frac{L(x, y+1)-L(x, y-1)}{L(x+1, y)-L(x-1, y)}\end{aligned}

    2. 가장 강한 orientation 찾기

      → Histogram voting (36 bins) with Gaussian-weighted magnitude

  • Part #3) Feature descriptor extraction


    • 각 patch (16x16 pixels)에서 4x4 gradient histogram (8 bins) 사용

      • Gaussian-weighted magnitude를 다시 사용
      • 할당된 feature orientation에 대한 상대 각도 사용
    • histogram을 128 차원 벡터로 인코딩


BRIEF (Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features; 2010)

  • Key idea: 랜덤한 쌍의 sequence of intensity 비교

    • stability와 repeatability을 위한 smoothing 적용
    • Path size: 31 x 31 pixels


  • Versions: The number of tests

    • BRIEF-32, BRIEF-64, BRIEF-128, BRIEF-256 …
  • Examples of combinations

    • CenSurE detector (a.k.a. Star detector) + BRIEF descriptor
    • SURF detector + BRIEF descriptor

ORB (Oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF, 2011)

  • Key idea: BRIEF에 회전 불변성(rotation invariance) 추가

    • Oriented FAST

      • scale invariance을 위한 scale pyramid 생성
      • FAST-9 points 검출 (filtering with Harris corner response)
      • intensity centroid에 의한 feature orientation 계산 ⇒ θ=tan1m01m10 where mpq=x,yxpyqI(x,y)\theta=\tan ^{-1} \frac{m_{01}}{m_{10}} \quad \text { where } \quad m_{p q}=\sum_{x, y} x^p y^q I(x, y)
    • Rotation-aware BRIEF

      • known orientation에 대한 BRIEF descriptors 추출
      • greedy search에 의해 train된 비교 쌍들을 사용


  • Combination: ORB

    • FAST-9 detector (with orientation) + BRIEF-256 descriptor (with trained pairs)
  • Computing time (@ 24 images (640x480) in Pascal dataset)

    • ORB: 15.3 [msec] / SURF: 217.3 [msec] / SIFT: 5228.7 [msec]
Feature Tracking (Click for more information)

Lukas-Kanade Optical Flow

  • Key idea: patch의 움직임을 찾기

    • 밝기 불변에 대한 constraint (같은 patch일 경우)


  • Combination: KLT tracker

    • Shi-Tomasi detector (a.k.a. GFTT) + Lukas-Kanade optical flow

      • cv::goodFeaturesToTrack
      • cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK

Solving Non-linear Least Squares with Ceres Solver

  • argminmiρi(ri(m)2)\underset{\mathbf{m}}{\arg \min } \sum_i \rho_i\left(\left\|r_i(\mathbf{m})\right\|^2\right)

    1. residual function (or cost function or error function) 정의
    2. ceres::Problem을 인스턴스화하고 멤버 함수 AddResidualBlock()을 사용하여 residuals를 추가

      • 각 residual rir_iCeres::Costfunction 형태로 인스턴스화하고 추가

        • 미분(Jacobian) 계산 방법을 선택

          • ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction
          • ceres::NumericDiffCostFunction
          • ceres::SizedCostFunction
        • cf. 편의성과 성능을 위해서는 chain rule을 사용하는 Automatic derivation 방법이 권장됨
      • ceres :: Lossfunction ρi\rho_i를 인스턴스화하고 추가 (problem이 outliers에 대한 견고성이 필요한 경우)
    3. ceres::Solver::Optionsceres::Solver::Summary를 인스턴트화하고 옵션 셋팅
    4. Run ceres::Solve()
  • Solving General Minimization

    • General Minimization ⇒ argminxf(x)\underset{\mathbf{x}}{\arg \min } f(\mathbf{x})

      Non-linear Least Squares General Minimization
      Ceres::Costfunction ceres::FirstOrderFunction / ceres::GradientFunction
      ceres::Problem ceres::GradientProblem
      ceres::Solver ceres::GradientProblemSolver

Robust Parameter Estimation

  • Bottom-up Approaches (~ Voting) (e.g. line fitting, relative pose estimation)

    • Hough transform

      • datum은 multiple parameter 후보들에 투표

        → cf. parameter space는 다차원 히스토그램(이산화)으로 유지

      • Score: 데이터별 hit 횟수
      • Selection: 투표 후 히스토그램에서 peak 찾기
    • RANSAC family

      • 데이터 샘플들이 single parameter 후보에 투표
      • Score: Inlier 후보의 개수 (error는 threshold 사이에 있음)
      • Selection: RANSAC 반복 중에 최고의 모델을 유지

        → cf. RANSAC은 많은 parameter 추정 반복 및 error 계산을 포함함

  • Top-down Approaches (e.g. graph SLAM, multi-view reconstruction)

    • M-estimator

      • 모든 데이터는 initial guess로부터 squared errors의 합을 최소로하는 best parameter를 찾는 것을 목표로 함
      • Score: A cost function

        → cost function은 truncated loss function을 포함함

      • Selection: gradient에 따른 cost function이 최소가 될 때

        → cf. Nonlinear optimization는 계산량이 많으며, local minima가 발생할 수 있음

본 포스트는 최성록 교수님의 An Inviation to 3D Vision 자료를 정리한 것입니다.

Written by@Miller Shin (SeungRyeol Shin)
Robotics Engineer | ROS | AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot) | Agricultural Robot | SLAM & Navigation | Robotics Application
